Legal Notes
The Natus Transport logotype, font, icons, pictures, text and website is below mentioned as “content”.
The content is owned by Natus Transport AB and are not free to use without permission from the board of
Natus Transport AB.
Any usage of the content without permission will be reported to our attorney and will be legally processed.
Natus Transport do not take any responsibility for external links from Natus Transport’s website.
Downloads from Natus Transport and external websites is on own risk, Natus Transport do not take responsibility for
any technical issues related to usage of Natus Transport’s website or downloads.
All information in Natus Transport’s website is not to be viewed as binding.
Natus Transport AB will not be held responsible for any logistic or other service-related issues that occur due miss
Information from the website.
Natus Transport’s website shall not be used as a legal binding agreement of any kind.
If you have any questions regarding Natus Transport’s website or our legal terms, please contact us.